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Saint Philomena's Academy

Pax Tecum

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School Year 2020-2021

Saint Philomena's Academy is a Marian Congregational School. A Marian Congregational School is a traditional, Catholic form of education run by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen.


Mission Statement

Marian Congregational Schools educate their students to become industrious, moral and intellectual leaders who enhance society by the example of their Catholic lives. Founded on Christian ethical principles, instruction emphasizes fundamental academic skills and perpetuates the legacy of Western Tradition. Recognizing the uniqueness of each individual, we challenge our students to perfect their character, cultivate their talents and pursue their full potential. Our emphasis is pre-eminently spiritual, assisting students to cooperate with divine grace, to become true and perfect Christians, effecting transformation in Christ.


Marian Congregational schools are places where parents and students must be committed to Catholic education and must become involved in the process of forming Christians. Our schools are dynamic schools that are about the ever-challenging and eternal business of knowing, loving, and serving God.


Goal Statement

The specific goals of the Marian Congregational Schools are, first and foremost, to gain a deep understanding of and commitment to the Roman Catholic Faith; second, to learn and appreciate the traditions and values of a Catholic culture and the means whereby these may be preserved in the modern world; third, to develop solid academic skills in the areas of reading, writing, arithmetic, speaking and critical thinking; fourth, to gain an appreciation of the fine arts; finally, to develop motor coordination skills.


Grade School/Junior High Curriculum






Social Studies


Language Arts

Introducing in 2021-2022

Greek and Latin Roots


Boys’ Uniform                                                                                                                 

White dress shirt                                                                                                             

Uniform navy blue tie                                                                                                     

Uniform navy blue sweater                                                                                             

Uniform navy  pants                                                                                                       

Belt (except elastic-waist pants) 

Uniform navy sweater 

Black or navy socks (no ankle socks)

Black polishable dress shoes


Girls’ Uniform

Uniform white blouse 

Uniform navy jumper (K-3)

Uniform navy skirt (6-8)

Uniform navy socks

Uniform navy cardigan sweater (K-5)

Uniform navy beret

Black polishable feminine dress shoes (heels not to exceed 2 inches)

Why Catholic Education


The official position of the Catholic Church on education is summarized in the Code of Canon Law:


“Parents are bound by a most grave obligation to provide to the best of their ability for the religious and moral, as well as for the physical and civil education of their children, and for their temporal well-being” (Canon 1113).



The pastoral letter issued by the American hierarchy in 1919 stated five principles as the basis of Catholic education:

  • First:  The right of the child to receive education and the correlative duty of providing it are established on the fact that man has a soul created by God and endowed with capacities which need to be developed, for the good of the individual and the good of the society . . .

  • Second:  Since the child is endowed with physical, intellectual and moral capacities, all these must be developed harmoniously . . .   

  • Third:  Since the duties we owe our Creator take precedence over all other duties, moral training must accord the first place to religion, that is, to the knowledge of God and His Law, and must cultivate a spirit of obedience to His commands . . .     

  • Fourth:  Moral and religious training is most efficacious when it is joined with instruction in other kinds of knowledge . . .  

  •  Fifth:  An education that unites intellectual, moral and religious elements is the best training for citizenship

High School Curriculum

Religion: Baltimore Catechism, My Catholic Faith

Science: Life, Earth, Physical 

Math: Algebra, Geometry, Calculus


History: Bible/Ancient/Church/American


Language Arts: Creative Excellence in Writing, grammar, penmanship, and literature



"Without confidence and love, there can be no true education. If you want to be must love yourselves, and make your children feel that you love them." Saint John Bosco

Our Patroness- Saint Philomena


For other religious books & articles for St. Philomena, visit Mary Immaculate Queen Bookstore 

Philomena – which means “daughter of light” – was a Greek princess who lived on the Island of Corfu during the fourth century. When Philomena was about 13 years old, her parents (who were of Greek royalty) were called to Rome because of a dispute with the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Having seen Philomena’s beauty and having been impressed with her manners, Diocletian asked for her hand in marriage as a sort of peace treaty. Her parents accepted the offer, but because Philomena had vowed her virginity to God, she refused the marriage proposal. As a result, Diocletian put her in jail and ordered her to be executed. While in jail, she had a vision of the Virgin Mary, who warned her about her fate, but promised heavenly glory and protection when she endured tortures.


From that point on, there is very little documented about Philomena’s life. What is known about her has been passed down through the centuries by word of mouth. Apparently, after nearly 40 days in prison, Philomena was tied to a post, flogged, and left to die in her jail cell. But angels appeared from heaven and healed her wounds with a miraculous balm. So, the emperor then ordered to have her drowned with an anchor tied to her neck. That attempt to kill her was also unsuccessful – angels returned her back to dry land completely unharmed. Later, she was ordered to be executed by archers. But, as she was shot, the arrows returned upon the bowmen and killed them instead. Accused of witchcraft, Philomena was finally beheaded in Rome, Italy on August 10.


On May 24, 1802, the remains of a teenage girl was discovered in the Catacombs of Saint Priscilla at the Via Salaria in Rome. An inscription containing the Latin words “pax tecum filumena” (transcribed as “peace be with you, Philomena”) was on the tomb. Also cut on the tomb were emblems of a lily and palm (to indicate virginity and martyrdom); an anchor; scourge; and three arrows pointing in opposite directions (one with a curved line, signifying fire). Combined with the inscription, these symbols were thought to have symbolized the life of Philomena and the different tortures she endured in testimony of her faith and love of Jesus Christ.


In 1805, Don Francesco De Lucia, a young priest of Mugnano del Cardinale of the Diocese of Nola, was in Rome. He nourished the wish of having the body of a “Saint Martyr and with a Name” to take to his oratory in Mugnano. Pius VII was moved and donated the body of St. Philomena. On the first of July Bishop Bartolomeo De Cesare and Don Francesco left Rome with the Saint’s relics. They reached Naples on July 2, 1805. Mons. Vincenzo Torrusio, Bishop of Nola, officially recognized the sacred relics, and then placed them in a private chapel.


Once the news spread, there was a massive rush of the faithful. To avoid disorder, the remains of St. Philomena were displayed for the first time to public veneration in the parish church of Sant’Angelo a Segno, where they remained for three days. The sacred relics arrived in Mugnano the morning of August 10th and were placed in the Church of Our Lady of Grace. Due to the many miracles the number of devotees kept increasing, a new Church of Our Lady of Grace was built in Mugnano. It contains a chapel where the sacred relics were translated on September 29, 1805, and where they still remain.


In Mugnano, the three tiles that sealed St. Philomena’s niche in Priscilla’s catacombs, were solemnly displayed for public veneration of the faithful on August 4, 1827. Apart from the writing, what is striking is the richness of the symbols: two anchors, three arrows, a palm symbol of martyrdom, a flower. Externally, on the tomb of St. Philomena, there is the palm symbol of martyrdom and inside the glass vase with the blood, which, as we will see in the next chapters, has been subjected to the most rigorous exams.


St. Philomena has ascended to the glory of the Altars not for what we concretely know about her brief earthly existence but for the countless graces and miracles that God has lavished through her powerful intercession. That which is missing in the veneration of St. Philomena regarding historic records, is abundantly compensated by the richness and multiplicity of all the miracles performed thanks to her intercession from the day of the translation of her bones from Rome to Mugnano, up until now. Rightly, Pope Gregory XVI defined her the “Thaumaturge of XIX century”.


In the nineteenth century the figure of Philomena, young roman martyr, conquered hearts. Many devotees trusted her protection and, of these, we remember Pauline Jaricot, founder of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, and the Living Rosary; the young John Maria Mastai Ferretti, who will become Pope with the name of Pius IX and will be beatified; the shy priest John Marie Vianney, the Cure of Ars, singled out by St Pius X as the guarantor of St. Philomena. They were all seriously ill and were perfectly cured from their illnesses as a result in their faith in St. Philomena.


Nearly all the Popes, from 1802 to 1940, have shown a great veneration for St. Philomena. Some of them have visited the Sanctuary of the Saint when they were Cardinals of The Holy Roman Church. Pius IX, apart from having been miraculously cured by the Saint and spreading her devotion in the diocese of Imola of which he was Pastor, as a Pope he visited the Sanctuary in Mugnano to venerate the sacred body of Philomena the martyr. The devotion of the Popes toward our martyr was great, as shown by their recognitions, privileges and ex voto.


Her feast day is August 11. She is the patron saint of children, youth, babies, infants, lost causes, sterility, and virgins.

Father Joseph Appelhanz


High School

Sister Madeleine Marie, CMRI

Elementary Levels


Sister Mary Teresita, CMRI

Primary Levels

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© 2023 Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church      314 E. Main St.  Middleville, MI 49333 

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